A little about me....

Hello, my name is Daniel I am in 7th grade and I love to play sports my favorite sport is soccer although I also like many other sports such as baseball, football, and basketball

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Comparitive Essay

Authors Note: “In this essay I am comparing and contrasting the two main characters from the outsiders and jump ship to freedom.”
The are many different characters I could compare and contrast in this essay so I had to only choose two. I choose the main character from “Jump Ship to Freedom” and the main character from the “Outsiders”. The character from Jump ship to Freedom is named Daniel and he is an African American slave. Next we have the character from the Outsiders; the character I am comparing to Daniel is Ponyboy the main character from the outsiders. One difference is Daniel’s a static character and Ponyboy’s a dynamic character. One similarity is family; Daniel’s parents died and same with Ponyboy’s parents.   
To start my journey, in this paragraph there will be one similarity stated and that is they both lost their parents at a young age. Some text evidence for that similarity is in the beginning of Jump Ship to Freedom when he introduces himself and then he goes into the place to get his father’s soldier notes back and then he says that my father died when I was just a little boy. In the outsiders it states that in the beginning it says; my family died when me and my brothers was younger than a dozen so it was really hard we had to live on our own and no one was there to hold except my brothers.
If that weren’t enough then maybe this is; another similarity is the judgment on their character, because Daniel is judged because he is a black slave and gets a lot of racism comments to him. Ponyboy from the outsiders he gets judged because he is a greaser and greasers are always judged because of what they did in the past.So that’s a reason that both of their books have a similarity because  of that reason.
To switch gears a little bit, I thought I might give you a different prospective I thought that I might give you a difference from Daniel and Ponyboy. Daniel and Ponyboy are different because Daniel is a static character that means he never changed from beginning to end and Ponyboy is a dynamic character and that means they learned a lesson or changed throughout the begging to the end.     
To put the cherry on the sundae, the main points are why Daniel and Ponyboy are different because Daniel is a static character and Ponyboy is a dynamic character because Daniel didn’t change and Ponyboy did change over the book. The one similarity is their family; Daniel and Ponyboys family are really similar because their parents died at a young age. 

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