A little about me....

Hello, my name is Daniel I am in 7th grade and I love to play sports my favorite sport is soccer although I also like many other sports such as baseball, football, and basketball

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Disney World

I went to Disney World in Florida for my Spring Break. Me and my family stayed at All Star Movies resort. It is a very nice hotel and it has 2 gigantic pools. Me and my family went to Magic Kingdom the first day and we had a blast. I went on Big Thunder Mountain railroad roller coaster. It was very fun but it wasn't really scary all that much. Next I asked my dad if he could go on Splash Mountain with me and my sister and he said he would but we had to get fast passes. When we tried to find a fast pass place we tried to get them but they sold out so we would have to wait in line for a while. Finally we got on to Splash Mountain but the log thing was only a 2 person so we had to bunch in to fit into the log. We rode along in the log and every now and then would come a little drop and we all were saying when can we get to the big one, when can we get to the big one and finally we got to the big one and  it was really big but not that scary I mean my sister was scared but not me and my dad. 

Next we went to Animal Kingdom. Animal Kingdom had two really cool rides... Expedition Everest and Dinosaur. I went on both of them like 3 times each. My favorite one was Expedition Everest though because of the big drop and because when you go to where the track is cut off then you go backwards into this black stuff and then you see this yeti or abdominal snowman. I got a little creep ed out when we went backwards but other wise that was my favorite ride. In Animal Kingdom we also went on this safari that you could see all of the animals it was very fun. I liked Animal Kingdom allot because of Expedition Everest, Dinosaur, and the Safari.

Next for our vacation we went to Hollywood Studios. I loved Hollywood Studios because of 2 rides in general... The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and the Rock'n'Rollercoaster starring Aerosmith.  Rock'n'Rollercoaster starring Aerosmith was my favorite. It started off going 60 MPH and then there is three loops and it is so fun. You are in this car type thing and it is only 2 per seat. The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror you get into this one elevator and you drop about 7 stories I would say. But you don't know when you are going to drop becasue it does it randomly I personally think it is better randomly then letting you know when it is coming. But my favorite ride there was Rock'n'Rollercoaster starring Aerosmith because of it's start and because of the loops in it. 

After Hollywood Studios was Epcot! I really liked Epcot because of two rides in general… Soarin and Test Track. I think I liked Soarin the most because it actually feels like you are flying above everything and that was my favorite ride and I went on that ride 3 times. Next is Test Track, Test Track is were you test the car in all these different conditions and all these different tracks. The highest speed in Test Track was 60 MPH and that is very fast when you are in a car with a convertible. But my favorite out of those two was probably Soarin. After the night was over we stayed to watch Epcot's fireworks show. It was awesome because of all the different colors and shapes of the fireworks.

Next is Blizzard Beach, Blizzard Beach is very fun because of one very big ride called the summit plummet. You plunge down at 60 MPH and it is Blizzard Beach's best and favorite attraction. I went on that one 2 times and that one is so scary because you have to go on your back the whole way so you don't fly off the water slide. That was the scariest water ride I have ever and will go on. There is also this one family ride that is very long and you bounce off the walls a lot it is very fun. Another ride I went on was this one racing ones and you drop allot and it is very fun you try to get to the finish line and I didn't beat my dad but I did beat my sister. There were two water parks at Disney World named Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon. We choose to go to Blizzard Beach because it is way closer.

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