A little about me....

Hello, my name is Daniel I am in 7th grade and I love to play sports my favorite sport is soccer although I also like many other sports such as baseball, football, and basketball

Friday, June 3, 2011


Earth is amazing becasue it has so many living things on it and it is in the perfect place so we can live if it was a little too close to the sun it would be too hot and if we were too far away from the sun it would be too cold so we are in the most perfect spot you could ever be in. When I was littler I watched a show on the Big Bang Theory that was about all of these rocks coming together and they crashed together and that's what made the whole universe including Earth and all of the planets. When I am older I would love to study the planets becasue it seems so fun looking at these planets and figuring out stuff about them. When I get older I really want to be an astronomer.

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