A little about me....

Hello, my name is Daniel I am in 7th grade and I love to play sports my favorite sport is soccer although I also like many other sports such as baseball, football, and basketball

Monday, March 14, 2011


Book Response Essay

Imagine if you constantly moved from state to state and you were always the new kid. In the book Hoot by Carl Haaisen. The main character Roy Eberhardt has moved six times in the past eight years. When you move a lot like Roy then you would constantly have to make new friends. It is hard to make new friends because you’re the new kid and everybody wants to pick on you. The main character in Hoot has moved six times in the past eight years and he has to deal with bullies along the way which often happens when you are the new kid. I don’t think it is fair to be teased just because you can’t fight or you’re a new kid. Everybody is a human and so are you.

When Roy the main character in Hoot first got to Florida he had his head squeezed against the window of the bus. In the other states Roy had dealt with bullies but never like this. Every day this kid name Dana Mathew comes up and starts harassing him. Roy was finally sick of it so he decided to end it. He slugged him right in the nose and everybody on the bus just froze in their seats. But then Roy decided to be smart that day and get off that bus. In my opinion he did the right thing I mean Dana was choking him to death and he was only trying to break free. I honestly hate bullies who do those things obviously they don’t feel good about themselves so they make others hurt too. Bullies can do a lot of damage to kids. They can make them all scared around everybody because what happened to bullies.

Most kids don’t get bullied but in Roy’s case he did. After he punched Dana in the nose he just got him all mad and he tried to punch him and do all sort of mean stuff to him. I bet you Roy regretted that he punched Dana in the nose because now Dana is just beating him up even harder. Like I stated before, bullies stink they think they can rip on you because you’re smaller and you’re the new kid. I am very glad that I don’t move much. It would be too much of a hassle. The way I see it there should be no bullying and if there is you should give them detention and if they keep bullying then you should keep putting them into detention.

None of the kids in our grade have experienced bullying at least I have never seen it or been a part of it but I don’t like bullies they think they can do anything that they want. I really liked Hoot and I can relate to it in a lot of ways.

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