A little about me....

Hello, my name is Daniel I am in 7th grade and I love to play sports my favorite sport is soccer although I also like many other sports such as baseball, football, and basketball

Monday, June 4, 2012


Daniel Tollar
June 4, 2012   

            You know what I always wanted to know? I wanted to know where you go when you die. It is so weird do they go in the sky? Do they go in the ground? I have no idea, I really want to know where you go when you die but no one knows because the only ones that have experienced that have died. That’s why no one knows, but someone might no someday.

            Next I would really want to know if you get to go live another life because I would really like to live another life like start all over when you get old but live in like a dog or something I would really like that and it would be so cool to know if that will ever happen to you. I would really like to study that and get to know more about that and what happens to you when you pass do you stay around and be a ghost forever? Or do you go to heaven or that other place?

            In conclusion, I would really be interested studying that because it is interesting, fun, and I wouldn’t be bored doing my job I could be happy and have fun researching and testing that stuff. But I know it would be really hard to find out what happens but I still believe it’s not impossible. I know that one day people will know where the dead are.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Authors Note: This is a creative piece on the theme of The Lottery and what other books it relates to.

The lottery, looks like a innocent book but no. One theme that relates to the Lottery is tradition because they do that every time they have a lottery. It is basically a tradition that the village does and will always do for the next couple years but it depends. The whole throwing rocks thing is a tradition they will carry on. 

 Next, I think that this story is tradition because of the tradition that happens in the village of over 300 people. They do the "lottery" every year and the person who wins or gets the black cross dies by getting stoned. They do that every year because they were born into doing that and that is their tradition to do that. They really don't have a choice its just kind of automatic for them to do that. If I were someone throwing stones, then I would not throw it because I don't know their tradition and I would feel too bad.

In conclusion, one other story that relates to this theme is After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick because every breakfast is a tradition for Jeffery to have oatmeal because he was a cancer survivor and he always makes himself oatmeal and that’s basically a tradition because it had been happening since he was a young child.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Horrific Accident

Authors Note: “This is a predicting piece about Mickey & me and I’m predicting on how the Stoeshack family is going to fall apart. It is going towards my goals.

            I was sitting in the living room watching sports when I heard my Dad’s voice. “Joe I’m going to drive around. I need some time alone.”
“Ok,” I hollered back.
After about 30 minutes I got a call that my Dad got in a car crash and is going to the hospital. I was shocked, I had to call mom.
“Hey Mom” I said very gloomy
“What’s up buddy?”
“Bad news dads in the hospital apparently he’s gotten into a car crash”
“What!! I’ll be home from work immediately. If he’s too hurt then I’ll have to quit my work. ” And just like that I might not have a dad.

Once the accident happened, everything is going to fall apart. I predict that the Stoeshack family will fall apart because the dad was a big part of the family because the Mom worked all day and came home at night at about 7 when the dad had been preparing the meals. I think it will have a humongous toll on the Stoeshack family. If he’s paralyzed or even dead then the mom will have to quit her job and come home and take care of Joe.

It’s pretty clear to see that the mom has to do everything now. That is why everything is going to go bad for that family. That is why everything’s going to change, because everything was going perfect; the mom was bringing home money and the dad was taking care of Joe and cooking now everything is going to change for the worst. You can just tell because the whole family is worried about Joe.

In conclusion, the Stoeshack family did fall apart and my prediction was correct. The reason I predicted that was because the dad basically did everything around the house but the mom brought money to the family and now the mom has to take the dads place and in the end everything basically turned out to be horrifying because everything was turned upside down. And just like that Joe didn’t have a dad.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Last Flower

How would it feel to be the last flower in the bed? I am a flower and all of the flowers in my home or flower bed have died and I am all alone all day and it gets really boring. The only company I get is when this lady comes out and gives me water. But I haven’t seen that lady in a while. I wonder where she is…

Then it hit me, she was making me die because she didn’t want to take care of me anymore. Just like she did with the other flowers in my home, but why would she do that? I still don’t get why she would get rid of me; the best and prettiest flower around. Well that’s my life for you and hope you guys have a great day because I’m not going to.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cloning by Daniel Tollar

            Author’s Note: “This is a research essay going to my next conference and my topic is going to be on cloning and the different types and the whole process and the risks of it. “
            You may not believe it but there are human clones among us right now! They weren’t made in a lab either they are called identical twins. There are many ways to clone things or people. There is two ways to clone and that’s Artificial Embryo Twinning and that’s basically an identical twin because they have the same DNA as the other identical twin. I find it really cool that if you have an identical twin they will have the same DNA as you.
            It’s pretty clear that not all of us have a twin and if you have one well you practically struck gold. Twins occur after fertilization of an egg cell by what’s called a sperm cell. In very rare cases, when the fertilized egg called a zygote, tries to divide into a two celled embryo, the cells separate. Both of the cells continue dividing on its own, developing into a separate individual within the mother. Remember the two cells came from the same zygote? Well then the individuals are genetically identical.
            Beyond that though, there are many other ways of cloning. One way of cloning is Therapeutic cloning and that is also called “embryo cloning”. The goal in this type of clone is not to create cloned human beings but to harvest the stem cells and that can be used to study human development and to treat multiple diseases. Stem cells are important to researchers because they can be used to generate virtually any type of cell in the human body. Stem cells are in the egg after it has divided for 4 to 5 days. When the egg is at the development stage it’s called a blastocyst. The process destroys the embryo, which raises a lot of concerns around the globe. Researchers hope that one day these cells can be used to replace cells to treat heart disease and maybe even cancer.
                        Next there is reproduction cloning and that is basically a technology that is used to generate an animal that has the same nuclear DNA as another currently or previously existing animal. The process of this type of cloning is very hard and it is quite hard to make this process work correctly. Dolly the sheep, was made for this type of cloning and this sheep died by the cloning process and that’s why they don’t use that as much as the gene cloning.
            To build off that topic, the risks of cloning are the reasons why most people turn it down. The first thing is Reproductive cloning and that’s way too expensive and very highly inefficient. More than 90% of cloning attempts fail so then the process starts all over and after that it will probably fail again and that’s the reason why they turn down Reproductive cloning.
            In conclusion, it is very obvious that cloning is an awesome topic in my opinion at least. I find it really cool that if you have an identical twin they will have the same DNA as you. I really want to learn more about this type of cloning and cloning by itself.



Cloning. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2012, from National Human Genome Research Institute : http://www.genome.gov/25020028#al-3
Human Genome Project Information. (2009, May 11). Retrieved April 18th, 2012, from Cloning Fact Sheet: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/cloning.shtml#whatis
What is cloning? (2012). Retrieved April 18, 2012, from Learn.Genetics: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/tech/cloning/whatiscloning/


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Predicting Essay

Authors Note: “This is a predicting piece about Mickey & me and this is going towards my goals and to get higher than an 8 in predicting.”
               Death is a real scary thing, especially to a kid. In the story Mickey & Me, Joe Stoeshack almost loses his dad, which he had thought he had for a minute. His dad had become paralyzed in a car accident he couldn’t move a muscle. Joe was scared, he was waiting in the emergency room as the doctor told Joe to come in and take a look at his beloved dad. He wasn’t moving, he was closing his eyes when Joe ran in, he was scared to death. Then I decided to make a very reasonable prediction about what happened next and what happened to the family and what it would do. My prediction is that the Stoeshack family will be spread apart kind of because there dad might be dead or even paralyzed. Now their dad can’t do anything around the house, and he can’t work. This is a really bad situation for the family.
                To persuade into the body paragraph, Joe’s dad is kind of helpless in the ring right now because he’s probably going to lose his job, maybe get a divorce and he is probably paralyzed right now and Joe doesn’t even know it. But my prediction was that after that car accident that the whole Stoeshack family will fall apart and I will have to keep reading and see it that is true or not. The reasons that support my prediction is even before the accident Joe’s dad was arguing with Joe’s mom and getting into fights about the bills and gas etc. The main reason I made my prediction is because Joe didn’t like his dad (bill) even before the accident because he was never there for his games such as baseball which is his favorite sport. He was kind of disappointed that his dad never had any time to watch his kid play his game. But now he can’t go to anything he is going to have to rent an apartment because I think that he and his wife are going to get a divorce so I think he’s going to have to live with himself.
                In conclusion, my prediction turned out to be correct and the family kind of fell apart after the accident because the dad turned out to be a sit at home dad in a wheelchair his whole life. This event was probably the main conflict in this story because it kind of changed everything in the ending.  So i was right about my prediction everything fell apart after the accident. This is a really bad situation for the Stoeshack family.                                                                                                                               

Monday, April 23, 2012

Character Description

                12 year old Lina spends her days running around Ember passing stuff out to people and delivering things in a flash to all the people in Ember. She is excellent at her job, Messenger because she’s fast as lightning and you have to be fast if you want to be a Messenger in Ember. She is also thin as a twig because you pretty much have to be thin to be a good Messenger and to be really fast. She has a smile that lights up the sky, and she is about 12 years old. She has really messy brown hair like a mop. She is also inquisitive and has a determined nature.
                Lina is best friends with Doon, the other main character in the book City of Ember. Those are some things about Lina that are really important in the City of Ember. That is why she is the main character in the City of Ember because she has many things that describe her and she’s a really good character overall.