A little about me....

Hello, my name is Daniel I am in 7th grade and I love to play sports my favorite sport is soccer although I also like many other sports such as baseball, football, and basketball

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


There are so many good sports in the world, some of my favorite's are Soccer and Baseball. My favorite sport is Soccer, but baseball is right up there though. Soccer and baseball conflict like every day because I am in select for both of them and it gets really tough to go to both of them at a time. I am probably better at soccer than I am at baseball, but they are both really fun.

My favorite thing about baseball is that we get to travel a lot because we go to these tournaments all over Wisconsin so we get to go there and stay in hotels so that part is really fun, and that is the same for soccer, we get to travel to all these tournaments so we can be a part of it and it is really fun to travel with the team. We always go to these big hotels and swim and watch movies and drink coffee and stay up late, it is really fun.

Soccer season started in April and so did baseball. I wish that my two favorite sports would be in separate seasons like soccer in the fall and baseball in the spring or switched around. For example if I can't go to a baseball game for a soccer game I would just say to my coach "I need to go to soccer instead of baseball tomorrow coach" and he will say "but summer is baseball season not soccer season" and then I go to soccer and he gets all mad, see I bet a lot of kids can relate to me in terms of that kind of stuff.

Those are the main sports that I like to play and will always play I hope that I can make it for Varsity when I am in high school. I better start practicing more. I actually do like basketball but I don't really play it and I am not good at it so those are my main sports and what goes on in my life.

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